A List Of North Texas Resources
There are many nonprofit groups in Texas devoted to financial assistance. Here’s a list of places where people can go to find help.
YouCaring is a free fundraising website created for individuals wanting to raise funds for medical expenses, memorials and funerals, education and tuition assistance and adoption fundraising, among other things. Learn how to make a page here.
Shared Housing Center, Inc.
The Shared Housing Center offers housing options and supportive services that foster independence, empowerment, and self-worth. Their Homeshare Program helps to match up people who have more housing than they need with people and families in need of a place to live.
AARP is a national non-profit organization dedicated to helping families and individuals with an emphasis on healthcare, employment security and retirement planning. State-level chapters like like AARP Texas ocus on the needs specific to people over the age of 50 in each state.
Rockwall County Helping Hands
The Rockwall County Helping Hands assistance and referral program provides residents in financial crisis with assistance for critical needs. Financial help is available for utility bills and housing payments. Staffers also operate a food pantry, thrift store and health clinic. Get connected.
Community Council of Greater Dallas
The Community Council of Greater Dallas was founded in 1940 and is an umbrella organization focused on community service. The Community Council’s research and action plans resulted in the incubation and birth of social services including:· Dallas Family Court, the Dallas Area Agency on Aging, Head Start of Greater Dallas and Community Dental Care, to name a few. For a list of services, click here.
In Texas, 2-1-1 gives you access to the most appropriate sources of help and information. Anywhere in Texas, anyone can call 2-1-1 for free information and referrals to health and human service agencies, nonprofit and faith-based organizations, disaster relief resources, and volunteer opportunities. Click here for frequently asked questions about 2-1-1.